Shadow Chancellor and Oxford MP calls on Government to enhance support available to modern slavery victims

Oxford MP Anneliese Dodds is calling on the government to improve the support available to modern slavery victims

“I am joining Elmore Community Services in calling on the new Prime Minister and Home Secretary to do everything within their power to improve the support currently on offer. Survivors need the Government to extend the support, giving them at least one year of tailored help.”

Backing a new bill, Ms Dodds added: "Victims have already been through so much - they really need that period of guaranteed help to rebuild their lives."

The bill, which would amend the Modern Slavery Act, could become law if the Government gives it time for debate. Oxfordshire mental health service provider Elmore Community Services says 12 months of support 'would constitute proper, long-term assistance.

Tom Hayes, Chief Executive of Elmore Community Services, said: "It is tragic that the lack of support for modern slavery survivors means many face the risk of further exploitation. Providing victims with adequate support is not just the right thing to do for their recovery, it is important to bring traffickers to justice and stop them exploiting others in the future. Without protection, support and stability victims cannot give evidence to police and courts meaning traffickers go free and the cycle of exploitation continues.”



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