Tenancy Sustainment
About Elmore’s Tenancy Sustainment
We support vulnerable council residents to keep tenancies and stay in their homes. Funded by Oxford City Council, we provide support with mental health but also help and advice with practical matters such as applying for (and staying on) social security entitlements. Our tenancy sustainment service has been evaluated in an independent evaluation.
Commissioned by and in partnership with:
Anyone aged 18+ in Oxford City and Oxford City Council properties experiencing difficulties with maintaining their tenancy
Anyone whose tenancy may be at risk because they are experiencing complex needs and mental health needs
Providing flexible support based around individual goals
Providing emotional support to improve mental wellbeing and promote recovery
Providing practical support in relation to money, benefits, or debt
Liaising with Oxford City Council’s Tenancy Sustainment team and other agencies as an advocate
Working alongside you to empower you to make your own life choices
Supporting you around making positive and healthy choices about lifestyle such as exercise, healthy eating, stopping smoking and providing practical support to attend any physical health appointments
Working with you to address issues affecting your tenancy and helping you to stay in your home
Confidence building and improving self-esteem
Providing support and tools to enable you to build links within your local community to prevent isolation and loneliness
Acting as an advocate to ensure your voice is heard
Supporting you at court hearings, assessments, and tribunals
A lead worker will meet with you and help you to identify the goals you want support with
Elmore can provide face-to-face support inside and outside your home
Our workers can also meet with you over a videocall or by telephone
We will start by talking through what is going on for you right now, identifying what you’d like to change, breaking this down, and supporting you to meet your goals
We will support you with goals that help you maintain your tenancy and fulfil your other goals in a holistic way