Structured Psychological Support (SPS)
About Structured Psychological Support (SPS)
Elmore's Structured Psychological Support (SPS) service is for adults living in Oxfordshire who have severe interpersonal problems and poor coping skills, provided through the Community Mental Health Framework (CMHF).
The CMHF is a new way of working that will improve mental health services, so that GPs, mental health teams, and other support organisations in the community work better together.
Commissioned by and in partnership with:
Elmore's Structured Psychological Support (SPS) service is for adults living in Oxfordshire who have severe interpersonal problems and poor coping skills.
The service offers short-term, 1:1 sessions with a worker who will help you identify key areas you want to work on - this could include coping mechanisms, managing emotions, and/or improving communication skills.
Referrals to the PDI worker come via the Keystone MH Team referrals. Referrals can be made via:
Referral from Primary Care (via GP).
People can use the drop-in sessions at the hubs. They can go if they're unsure if they need a referral or not and to gauge a better understanding of the Hub.