Listen to Elmore’s podcasts
Podcasts are hugely popular and a great way to open up discussions
Elmore is looking for new ways to stay in touch with our supporters and keep our partners in the know about our latest news. Listen to the podcasts below about the issues facing our clients and the services that we deliver. Our podcasts feature experts from inside Elmore and our networks.
Find our podcasts below:
Listen to conversations about Elmore’s new groundbreaking modern slavery research
Dame Sara Thornton is the UK's Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (2019-22), and she spoke with Elmore about how to spot the signs of modern slavery, ensure victims get support, prevent modern slavery, and enhance the support received by survivors. Hosted by Ben Anderson of Sound Rebel, Dame Sara shared her insights about the ground-breaking new research by Elmore Community Services, which shows that previous figures on modern slavery may have been the tip of the iceberg.
Let’s make more podcasts together!
We’re not sure how often we’re going to be able to upload a new podcast. It isn’t that we don’t want to—we really do. However, the funding to make podcasts isn’t easy to find and Elmore can’t fund the production costs by ourselves when we’re stretching our money to support clients.
If you liked what you heard and feel you learned something, can you chip in and help us meet the costs of recording more podcasts? Every donation will go a long way to meeting the production costs, no matter how big or small.