High Intensity User Project
About Elmore’s HIU Project
Elmore supports people who frequently attend the John Radcliffe Hospital Emergency Department in Oxford or make frequent use of emergency services. Elmore provides support that last for up to twelve weeks (with further support possible within the next 12 weeks) to ensure local patients can access the right community-based support as an alternative to emergency support.
Commissioned by and in partnership with:
Patients of the John Radcliffe Hospital Emergency Department or frequent users of emergency services, aged 18+ (with no upper limit) and living in Oxfordshire
Elmore will provide intensive practical and emotional support which can last for up to 12 weeks (with further support possible within the next 12 weeks)
Improving your mental wellbeing and enabling recovery
Building up your confidence and self-esteem
Providing support around housing, money, benefits, or debt
Providing support and tools to enable you to build links to prevent isolation and loneliness
Acting as your advocate to ensure your voice is heard
Providing information and assistance to access employment, education, volunteering, and training opportunities
Working alongside you to help you learn or improve practical life skills
Supporting you in any contacts with the police and criminal justice system
A lead worker would meet with you and help you to identify the goals you want support with
Support would be mental health-related, including the use of therapeutic tools, highlighting other services, and referring you onto appropriate community-based services