Oxfordshire Safe Haven
About Elmore’s Oxfordshire Safe Haven Support
Oxfordshire Safe Haven (OSH) is a non-clinical space offering same-day crisis support, signposting, safety planning, and listening support for people in a mental health crisis. It is an alternative to Accident and Emergency, providing one-to-one support over the phone and face-to-face and small group support face-to-face and online.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please refer yourself by calling 01865 903 037. The referral line is open from 11:30am - 9:30pm each day. You will have to call to book an appointment for the same day.
Elmore is providing additional community-based support as part of the extension of the Safe Haven. We offer community outreach and support to individuals who have recently accessed crisis support. The service is run by Oxfordshire Mind and forms part of the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OHMP).
Elmore’s support can last for up to 12 weeks.
Commissioned by and in partnership with:
Anyone in Oxfordshire feeling like they are reaching a breaking point and struggling with their mental health
Support will be intensive and can last up to 12 weeks
Elmore’s support will be creative and flexible to enable you to develop self-management strategies and produce plans to manage a mental health crisis and receive suitable support in the community
Improving your mental wellbeing and enabling your recovery
Building up your confidence and self-esteem
Providing support around housing, money, benefits, or debt
Providing support and tools to enable you to build links to prevent isolation and loneliness
Acting as an advocate to ensure your voice is heard
Providing information and assistance to enable you to access employment, education, volunteering and training opportunities
Working alongside you to help you learn or improve practical life skills
A lead worker would meet with you and help you to identify the goals you want support with
Support would be mental health-related, including the use of therapeutic tools, letting you know about other services that can support, and referring you onto appropriate services