New mental health service launches to support local people affected by COVID-19

As a growing number of reports highlight the impact the pandemic has had on people’s mental health, a new service is launching to provide the support that is needed. Anyone living in Oxfordshire aged 18+ whose mental health has been affected by COVID-19 is being encouraged to refer themselves to the new services now. 

Rise & Shine will be delivered by Elmore Community Services, an Oxfordshire-based mental health, complex needs, and domestic abuse charity, in partnership with Connection Support, an Oxfordshire-based charity supporting people to overcome complex life challenges. Both mental health service providers are founding members of the Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership and the new Oxfordshire Homelessness Alliance.

Anybody considering referring themselves to the service will not need a specific mental health diagnosis. 

Rise & Shine will support people with the following:

  • Improving mental wellbeing and enabling recovery

  • Confidence building and improving self-esteem

  • Providing support around housing, money, benefits, or debt

  • Providing support and tools to enable people to build links within their community to prevent isolation and loneliness

  • Acting as an advocate to ensure people’s voices are heard

  • Providing information and assistance to enable people to be a part of their local communities, including employment, education, volunteering and training opportunities

  • Working with people to help them learn or improve practical life skills

  • Supporting residents to make positive and healthy choices about lifestyle such as exercise, healthy eating, stopping smoking

  • Supporting people at court hearings, assessments, and tribunals

Caseworkers will work alongside people accessing the service to provide support for up to six months. Caseworkers can meet regularly face-to-face, over a videocall, or by telephone, and will start by talking through what is going on for the person they are supporting right now, identify what they’d like to change, and support them to meet their goals.

Tom Hayes, Chief Executive of Elmore Community Services, said: “It’s been more than 18 months since the first lockdown was announced and the impact of the pandemic is far from over. With many feeling worried, anxious or isolated during these challenging times, the new service Rise & Shine will support people to look after their mental wellbeing to prevent these concerns from becoming more serious.”

Chris Keating, Chief Executive of Connection Support, said: “Covid-19 has had a dramatic impact on everyone’s lives, and we recognise how mental health and wellbeing has been affected for many people in our community. We’re motivated through the Rise & Shine service to work alongside people looking for support to move forward confidently.”

You can refer yourself or somebody else by clicking on this link. Find out more about Rise & Shine here.

The Oxford Mail covered the launch of this service in an article here.


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