Elmore’s Commitment to Safeguarding

Abuse is the act of violation of a person’s human right and civil rights by another person. Abuse may not only be the act of causing physical harm to someone, it can also be emotional, sexual, financial, neglect, discriminatory or institutional abuse. 

Safeguarding is minimising and managing risk to vulnerable adults, people who may be unable to protect himself or herself from harm or exploitation. 

Elmore works with people who may be considered vulnerable at some point in their lives. We have a responsibility to take any allegations of abuse seriously, and we will respond to any concerns that we have or that are raised with us. 

Elmore will:

  • Work with the people we support to uphold their rights to make informed safeguarding choices, and support them to minimise risk.

  • Take any necessary steps to protect the people we support if they are at risk of abuse or significant harm, and take any necessary steps to protect others who may be at risk of abuse from them. We cannot guarantee confidentiality, but if we need to tell anyone we will try to let the concerned person know before, although this may not always be possible.

If you are an Elmore client and worried about yourself or someone else, or you think you are at risk or harming another person, you can speak to your worker or contact the office to help understand your options and what to do next.