Elmore supports people with complex needs across the Thames Valley.
Elmore is not an emergency service available 24/7.
If you, or someone close to you, requires emergency help out of hours we hope you find this brief list helpful.
Dial 999 if your life, or the life of someone you know, is in immediate risk.
Call Oxfordshire Safe Haven if you experience mental health crisis, on 01865 903 037
Call Samaritans for emotional support on the phone, open 24 hours every day.
Call 116 123 or email or email them via jo@samaritans.org
Call Age UK Advice Line 0800 678 1602. Free to call 8am-7pm 365 days a year
Dial 111 if you need medical help quickly but it's not a medical emergency. Otherwise, contact your GP surgery.
Contact us if your query can wait until office hours
Clients often have multiple and separate support needs
Elmore seeks to engage people who fall through the net of services. We work with people to ensure that they can get the right support at the right time.